Nancy Figueroa-Galarza

Vibrational Sound Therapy & Reiki Practitioner

Nancy's spiritual quest began 25 years ago, when her journey led her to try different religious and non-religious practices, ultimately Vibrational Sound Therapy, Reiki, Shamanism and Essential Oils.

As part of her earlier history, Nancy has a degree in Business (Accounting) from the College of Staten. She had a career in a Fortune 500 Insurance Company, first as an Administrative Assistant then in Finance, as an Expense Accountant. Ultimately, due to a company layoff she found herself unemployed and at a crossroad in her life. At this point her soul asked “Are you going to continue to pursue the same unfulfilled career?”

This is where the new journey began, when the universe presented a meditation workshop, where she met a Hypnosis therapist and signed up for a 6 months program with her. She helped her remove energy blocks through Chakra Clearing and Sound Healing. The experience was transformative and the result was the reinvention of her authentic self that continues to evolve.

Nancy is Certified and Licensed by the Vibrational Sound Association and the International Academy of Sound Healing as a Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner, and has certifications as a Reiki Practitioner and a Shamanic Apprentice; in addition to being an Independent Distributor for Young Living Essential oils. She is also a member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals and the Reiki Healing Association.

Nancy's passion in Vibrational Sound Therapy is using Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowls, Gongs, Quartz Chimes, tingshas and many other sound instruments. She incorporates the healing modalities of Reiki, Sound and Essential Oils into her practice to ensure a body, mind and spirit experience, where all can shed and release all that no longer serves the highest self.

And so, the journey continues...